I am Surprised about Guyanese Cuisine

I knew that there are a few countries above Brazil, in South America and yes I knew it was Guyana and French Guiana, but I had not known much. So as I start to travel through different cuisines and I am in South America, I decide on Guyanese cuisine and I am very impressed.
This weekend although I stated it would be on Saturday, it did not happened until Sunday, I cooked Guyanese rice cook up and fish cakes.
At first the rice was not something I thought much about but once all the ingredients come together this dirty rice taste amazing. It is creamy, the beans gives a great texture, the rice cooks great. The color was my only set back but with the first taste it quickly escapes your mind.

The fish cakes was not much different from the ones we do any other place in the world but the way it was breaded was a first for me. No wet ingredients. The breading sticks to the fish and it does not come out completely in the oil.

Other than the frying of the fish cake this meal was not fattening at all. The only thing in the rice that you can consider "Bad" is the coconut milk, which is not bad at all. Although I am happy to report everything Fit my Macros and I ate it guilt FREE

In all this was really a great culinary experience for me.

I got the recipes from:
Salt Fish cakes

Vegetarian Three Bean Cook-Up Rice

Check out the other recipes. I am sure doing the Red Coconut Bread.

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