Day 6 and 7 Has Been a Wash

Day 6 and 7 have been a wash.
Day 6, Saturday was a day when I ate everything I saw in site. I started by eating bread, than had more bread and ended up eating a piece of chocolate brownie fudge cake. I ate over 3000 calories that day.
On day 7 Saturday I surely paid for all those carbs. As I started my day being good and not eating carbs by mid day I had the worse head ache ever, bu the end of the day I even had nausea from the head ache. I was not all that good on Sunday. Started off great but I was out of the house half of the day and I got hungry, so I ate what was available. I am happy to report that I did not eat over my daily calorie intake but I had more carbs than I should.
Needless to say I did not workout either day.
The only thing that makes me sad is that I was trying to go low carbs and I am really working hard for it, but I cannot get the carbs low enough to do a Atkins two week program. I am still below 50g of carbs daily.
I gave up trying to go any lower, I am just going to keep with below 80 gram for a month than I will start getting the carbs higher.

I am looking forward to it.

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