Day 5 and I am losing it

Day 5 was very hard, and I really though I was going to lose it. It was one of those days that I wanted to eat everything and I also wanted a cigarette. Also by day 5 I realized my metabolism was non existent and I thought maybe a cigarette will help, so I kept thinking in my mind I will have a coffee and a smoke, I even thought of buying a pack just to keep it at home and smoke one a day. Although by the afternoon I was feeling better about smoking I still really wanted to stuff my face with bread and lots of it. Everything that I am not supposed to I wanted.  I workout to Body Combat 30 Minutes,and that was the best part of the day. There 

is nothing better than a good workout to get the endorphin pumping and give you a good Kick in the behind. I have had a hard time as well by having to cook great meals for my family while I am having only salad. Last night I was asked to cook enchiladas, while I had salad. 

I am happy to say I made it although I was glad when it was time for bed.
Take a look at the video of me telling you what a horrible day I had.


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