Are we educating or conditioning our kids ?

Are we educating our kids or are we conditioning them to be "Yes" man/woman? As again my daughter does something I don't agree with, I scold her and convince her she should not do it again... She looks at me and with the heart of a child I am immediately forgiven for the scolding, until a few minutes later when she does it again and she gets another look from me saying "didn't I just told you not to do that?". As my mind start to thing "what am I doing". Will I condition her to do what others say it or I want her to follow her heart and be her own thinker and maker of her life. Of course the second statement is what I want for her, but why can't I educate her in a way that I am not imposing my own beliefs. As parents it seems we want what "WE want" for our kids and not what they want as individuals. So leave me your comment what are your thoughts...


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