6 Moves to Get a Better Butt

6 Moves to Get a Better Butt

By Rebecca Swanner
Want a great butt? We recently spoke with Leandro Carvalho, the creator of Brazil Butt Lift® and the new Brazil Butt Lift Master Series, and he shared 6 workout moves that will help you lift, shape, and tone your booty—or, in his words, bum bum—in no time. Follow this workout three days a week for a great behind.

Double Diamond and Super Diamond

Double Diamond and Super Diamond. Begin with your heels together and toes apart, feet externally rotated. Rise up onto your toes, and then slide your heels together so they are touching. Next, bend both knees, lowering your glutes down towards the floor. Keep your chest lifted, abs engaged, and your hips slightly tucked under. Continue to bend and extend your legs, never allowing your heels to touch the floor or your glutes to go lower than knee level. After 10 repetitions, open your feet up wider than your shoulders (still externally rotated), lift your heels, and bend your knees until your glutes are parallel to the floor. Bend and extend 10 more times, always keeping your heels up. Repeat twice more. Area Targeted: Glutes, adductors

Squat. Begin the squat holding a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, lowering your glutes down and back to knee level. Keep your chest lifted, shoulders down, and abs engaged. The movement should start in your bum bum. If you're having a hard time with balance, Leandro says to "keep your heels very heavy and just go as far as you can with good form." Do 20. Areas Targeted: Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps

Stationary Lunge
Stationary Lunge. Start in a staggered position, right foot forward, left foot back, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your chest lifted, abs engaged, and shoulders down, bend both knees so that you form a 90-degree angle with both legs. Make sure your right knee is directly over your right ankle, and your left knee is hovering just above the ground. Next, extend both knees and straighten half way to the top, and then lower back into the lunge. After 10 reps, do an additional 10 reps using the entire range of motion, top to bottom. Switch sides and repeat. Areas Targeted: Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves

Deadlift. Start the deadlift with feet in a hip-width parallel position, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Roll the shoulders back, lift the chest, pull the abs in, and put a slight bend into both knees. Next, hinge forward from the hips with a flat spine, and slide the weights down the front of your legs. Once your torso is parallel to the ground, squeeze your glutes and return to standing. Do 20 reps. Areas Targeted: Glutes, lower back, hamstrings

Legs Arabesque
Legs Arabesque. Lie face down on a stability ball, making sure your hips are on the ball and your hands are shoulder-width apart on the floor in front of you. Engage your abs, squeeze your glutes, straighten your legs, and with flexed feet lift both legs up towards the ceiling. Complete 20 reps. Beginners should do this without weights, intermediate users could wear 1-pound ankle weights, and advanced users can use 5-pound ankle weights. Areas Targeted: Glutes, hamstrings

Frog Legs
Frog Legs. Lie face down on a stability ball, making sure your hips are on the ball and your hands are shoulder-width apart on the floor in front of you. Engage your abs, squeeze your glutes, and draw your heels together and your toes apart. The knee should make a right angle. Press your heels up towards the ceiling 20 times. Beginners should do this without weights, intermediate users could wear 1-pound ankle weights, and advanced users can use 5-pound ankle weights. Area Targeted: Gluteus maximus
For a targeted bum bum workout program that will get you a better butt in 30 days, try Brazilian Butt Lift Master series. Just click on our shop link.
Questions about your workout program, diet, the latest newsletter, or anything wellness related? Leave me a comment.
Be safe and have fun working out!


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