I am sorry

Want Insanity click here
Yesterday I did not post anything, although I did workout earlier, I found the extra time to be liberating an did so much, it was late by the time I come home, so I am sorry for the delay. Today as I posted on my facebook page www.facebook.com/newapproachfitness here is what I will talk about:

Pushing to hard:
Today I believe I have done it. Early morning doing Insanity pure Cardio, with 5 or 6 minutes left in the cardio circuit, If I remember well, I could not get a breath. Just like when you sprint and afterword you try to get a breath but it even hurts... well that was me, unfortunately after that I was done. I tried to finish the workout but I could not push, if I tried I felt I was going to faint.
Did I push to hard or should I had a pre formula to drink before workout. As I stated this was wake up and workout.
I tried to workout after drinking Shakeology before, but than I feel like I want to vomit. Not sure if I should have given more time to wake up, drank a pre formula, or just not push so hard. I will get a answer and post it later.

My excuse this morning:
My alarm was for 6:15, but after waking up at 2:00 am it was hard to wake up again at 6:15 although I did wake up and I was going to get up, but somehow fell asleep again.
7:00 am my alarm goes off again and as I wake up my kids, I am thinking I can workout to Insanity pure cardio since it is only 40 minutes I will be done before the kids are ready for school...
But I lay in bed telling myself I can workout when I come back from dropping off the kids. I struggled with this thoughts for 20 minutes, until my reasoning won and excuses lost. by 8:00 am I was done, now a free day to get other things done.
Share your excuse with me and the best excuse win a week of Shakeology (best chosen by me and my kids)

My breakfast:
I owe you my readers. I do not have all the ingredients to do my breakfast, stay tuned and I will share my breakfast at another post. Since I do not have a breakfast recipe I will share my dinner 2 nights ago.

Kale, yams and Quinoa all saute with onions, green onions, garlic and parsley, it was very good tasty and healthy. Had it with chicken breast.
This recipe is from Real simple magazine September issue, my recipe did not have pesto.
recipe click here
Next day for lunch had left over Quinoa with chicken salad.
Quinoa a very good source of protein. 3g protein per 2 tbsp.


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