Giving 100%
In any workout we want to do what everyone else is doing. We don't care that it may have taken the other person years to get where they are and we just started yesterday. But still we should be doing what others are doing. Not really.
Tony says in his P90X videos "Do your best and forget the rest" and this is so true.
My best may be only 12 push up on the knees, while Tony is 36 with one arm. It does not mean I am not pushing or giving 100% it means my 100% is different, that everyone else. Please keep this in mind and make sure you are doing your best, as this is all that matter, if you try to imitate another person and you get hurt not only you are not able to progress sometimes you can really get hurt and permanently.
Listen to your body, it will let you know I can't no more. Just imagine one more over the head triceps extension and you know you can't lift but the person next to you did it, you try and weights fall on your head... permanent damage. Reps should be hard, but if you can't lift you are done.
Cardio it is great to push it and with Insanity you push your cardio to the max. Make sure you push to a 7 or 8 if you cannot say a sentence during the workout you have gone to far, and if you do not rest and push it again, next thing you know, light headed, blurred vision, maybe even fainting and worse of all vomiting.
Can you imagine working out with a room full of people, you want to jump just like the person next to you, or run and you start feeling dizzy, and before you know you vomit all over the room... it would have been nicer to take a rest.
As Tony say "Do your best and forget the rest".
Be safe always and don't forget to have fun working out!
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